Meet the Author

Dr. Kenyn M. Cureton

Dr. Kenyn M. Cureton serves as VP for Christian Resources for FRC after leading the effort to recruit pastors into a network that grew from 1,800 to over 40,000 while he was VP of Church Ministries. Prior to joining FRC, Dr. Cureton served as a Southern Baptist pastor for twenty years, helped spearhead the “values voter” movement, then was unanimously elected as their VP for Convention Relations. After joining FRC, Cureton renewed the iVoteValues Voter Impact Toolkit and authored the Community Impact Team Resource Manual, a how-to guide for churches to impact their community for Christ. Cureton holds a PhD from Southwestern Baptist Seminary, finishing his dissertation at the University of Lund, Sweden. Dr. Cureton and his wife, Pat, have two adult, married children and two grandchildren.

Strong and Courageous: A Call to Biblical Manhood

by Lt.Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin & Dr. Kenyn Cureton

Strong and Courageous is a sequel to Boykin’s book Man to Man, and the book explores further the five principles of biblical manhood (Man as Provider, Instructor, Battle Buddy, Defender, and Chaplain). With over thirty-six years’ experience in the Army, an original member of Delta Force, and the Commander of Army Special Forces, General Boykin knows a great deal about manhood. Based on the biblical book of Joshua, General Boykin’s favorite Bible character, the book counters the culture’s labeling of manhood and masculinity as toxic and offers a way forward for men.

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Congressman Rick Crawford


Kira Davis