Meet the Author

Fernando Arroyo

Fernando considers himself privileged to serve those who served our country, with the goal of ending veteran suicide. He works as the Veterans Program Director at Step Forward Academy as a coach and mentor for veterans transitioning to civilian life. He helps them develop a career path to a living wage and connects them to a healthy community.

The Shadow of Death: From My Battles in Fallujah to the Battle for My Soul

by Fernando Arroyo

When I returned home from my latest deployment in the U.S. Army, my life began to fall apart. One night, after heavy drinking, I placed my 1911 pistol in my mouth and thought a prayer-silence. I deactivated the safety and began to slowly squeeze the trigger. BANG! I dropped the pistol and I looked around me, but there was no blood. The bang I heard was the Bible on my desk falling and hitting the floor. I fell to my knees and asked God for forgiveness. I surrendered to Jesus Christ and asked Him to help me. He answered.

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Jennifer Bauwens, Ph.D.