Book Proposal.
(555) 555-5555

123 Demo Street
New York, NY 12345


Add each of these components (below) as a “field” in the above Contact Us form (above):

(I already did the first one)

Major components required:

·      Proposed title, subtitle (where appropriate), and author name as it should be on the cover

·      Short synopsis or story overview if a novel (no more than a page)

·      Projected word count of the final manuscript and when it will be ready

·      Author bio and platform (how potential book buyers are exposed to you on a regular basis)

·      Previous books with ISBN and sales numbers

·      To what books you compare yours

·      Chapter outline: chapter title followed by a one- to two-sentence description of contents

·      No more than two sample chapters, preferably the intro/preface and one chapter or two chapters if a novel

·      Formatting: New Times Roman 12 point, single-spaced, and no extra carriage returns

·      This proposal should not contain more than thirty pages.


 [AV1]FYI: The link for the guidelines section did not work on the website. I’m sure you are revamping the site anyway.