Meet the Author

Arielle Del Turco

Arielle is the assistant director of the Center for Religious Liberty at Family Research Council, where she is responsible for international religious freedom policy and advocacy efforts. Through research and analysis, she crafts policy solutions and coordinates advocacy. Her work has appeared in USA Today, RealClearPolitics, National Review, and Newsweek.

Heroic Faith: Hope Amid Global Persecution

by Lela Gilbert, Arielle Del Turco, & William “Jerry” Boykin

From Asia to Africa, from the Middle East to Europe and beyond, the global persecution of Christians becomes more ominous with every passing year. Heroic Faith takes a close look at the tragic circumstances Christians face due to dangerous and sometimes deadly opposition to their faith in Jesus Christ. The book’s true stories of courage, persistence and faithfulness offer inspiration and hope. Heroic Faith also provides insights into the ideologies that lie behind hostility and persecution, what steps the U.S. government might take to offer assistance, and how readers can best respond to the struggles of the faithful.

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Kira Davis


Jim DeMint