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DANIEL: Visions and Valor - A Stand on the Word Study Guide
by Tony Perkins
Tony Perkins takes us on a 13-day journey through the book of Daniel. His commentary is not technical but focused on life application. Each day’s study includes questions for reflection and a place for notes. The book of Daniel not only recounts how he navigated the difficulties of serving in a hostile culture with valor, but also the reason behind his success: His personal intimacy with God through prayer and obeying God’s word. It was his walk with God that was foundational for his understanding of the amazing visions revealed to him. Find Tony’s weekday Stand on the Word video devotional at
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EMBRACING GOD’S DESIGN: Addressing the Spiritual and Psychological Crisis Behind Transgender Identity
by Jennifer Bauwens, Ph.D. and Walt Heyer
The transgender movement is based on a destructive ideology that has affected every adult and minor in every sector of American society. Our churches and communities need to understand how to address the spiritual and psychological crisis behind gender ideology. This book was written by Jennifer Bauwens, a trauma therapist and researcher, and Walt Heyer, who previously identified as a woman. Both authors have helped those who suffered the effects of gender ideology and who also had traumas and other mental health conditions.
The authors developed this resource to bring understanding about the origins of the gender movement, the psychological research used to give the appearance that the practices are evidence-based, and most importantly, how to both prevent someone struggling with identity confusion and how to support someone who wants to come back to God’s design for their life after identifying as transgender.
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TO INVENT IS DIVINE: Creativity and Ownership
by James R. Edwards, Jr.
Christians generally know that God created “the heavens and the earth” and made human beings in his image. They know that “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof”—he owns his creations. They know that skilled people create and own marvelous works. But a disconnect often occurs when it comes to God’s communicable attributes of creativity and ownership and that combination’s role in human innovation, technological progress, and practical benefits from human creativity and ownership. To Invent Is Divine connects the dots between creativity and ownership, as well as the dots between that combination and the fruits of human flourishing.
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HECTOR: Book Two of Chloe’s People
by Cheryl Chumley
After drug dealers murder his parents, Hector is forced by them into a car and sent to America, where he’s held against his will and threatened with death if he doesn’t take part in their criminal enterprises. He does what it takes to survive, but each day his soul grows a little bit darker and the God he was taught in his youth to love is replaced by a demonic figure in the shape of a skeleton that’s worshipped by the cartel. It’s after he carjacks a pastor that God sets the wheels in motion to bring Hector back to the light.
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INDIVISIBLE UNDER GOD: Restoring American Unity
by E.W. Jackson and David L. Goetsch
In a nation as diverse as America, unity will always be a challenge. However, by uniting around the biblical principles and values on which our country was founded, unity can be achieved in spite of those who do not want it.
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WARRIOR: Rendezvous with God, Volume Six
by Bill Myers
Finally equipped for battle, our reluctant hero begins the fight . . . while learning where the real battlefield lies . . . who his real enemies are . . . when to strike with God’ s truth or reach out with His grace . . . and when to quietly pray or boldly take a stand regardless the cost. Now that Will has received the tools of spiritual warfare, he must learn how to use them. Through trial and sometimes comical error, along with patient instruction from Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Host of Heaven he learns:
What to fight
When to fight—and, most importantly—
Who to fight
as he becomes the warrior God has always called him to be.
BIRTH OF A REMNANT: Tribulation Cult Book 2: A Novel
by Michael Phillips
After a shocking presidential assassination in the early 2030s, this second installment of the Tribulation Cult series continues to follow the lives of four former college friends. Their divergent life paths take two of their number to the very summit of world politics. As the nation continues to split along liberal and conservative lines, the future of Christianity in America becomes increasingly divisive. The role of the church in that divide centers around the question of whether serious Christians actually represent a dangerous cult and should be ostracized from mainstream society and politics. The book builds to a mid-century cultural clash between worldviews, climaxing with the pivotal election of 2048.
I SEE MYSELF: Musings and Memories of a Blessed Life
by Joseph S. Bonsall
In I See Myself, Joe Bonsall reflects on the contrasts and the crossroads of his life. From growing up in the inner city of Philadelphia to sitting on the front porch of his log home in rural Tennessee. From hanging with a street gang in his teens to surrendering to Christ at a youth camp. From working as a short order cook to headlining sold-out arenas. And now— from running across the stage each night to being sidelined by a neuromuscular disorder that has stolen his mobility. However, despite the changing circumstances of Joe’ s life, two things have not changed. His unwavering faith in God. And his ability to inspire others.
Joe went to be with Jesus on July 9, 2024.
HOLDING SOMEDAY: A Novel Inspired by Actual Events
by Mike Williams and W.R. Ponder
Jayla can’t catch her breath. The unexpected news of an unwanted pregnancy has come at the worst possible time, especially as rumors swirl of her reproductive rights soon being taken away. Straddling employment at both pro-life and pro-choice centers, Jayla is forced to conceal her pregnancy, slowly drowning in rising deceptions and life-or-death decisions as time threatens to steal her choice from her. Blending real-life stories with compelling fiction, Holding Someday chronicles life in the shadow of Roe v. Wade’s overturning with implications that resonate into the future.
SEER: Rendezvous with God, Volume Five
by Bill Myers
After his death, including a tour of heaven, Will realizes Earth’ s great need and agrees to return to help. With Jesus’ instruction and their occasional visits to Old Testament times and prophets, our hero learns through failure and mishaps (always with a touch of Myers’ s humor), how to prepare for the battles God has called him to fight.
THE DETROITING OF AMERICA: What Happened to the Motor City, Why Other Cities Followed, How Detroit is Coming Back
by John Perry
For fifty years “Detroit” has been shorthand for all that’s wrong with urban America: crime, corruption, decay, racial tension, struggling businesses, failing schools, a declining tax base, and more. Between 2000 and 2017, its population fell 28 percent, a steeper drop than any other major American city. A third of its land now lies vacant or dotted with empty, derelict houses. The good news is there are unmistakable signs of renewal in Detroit. Given a fresh start, Detroit has slowed its rate of population decline, stabilized its finances, and set out to prove to the world that it’s once again open for business.
THE EPIC LIFE: Revelation, Resistance, and Revival
by Timothy Floyd
We've had it drummed into our heads that whatever happens in the book of Revelation is either about the imminent future or the ancient past. If the past is unfamiliar, and the future is unknowable what's the point of even going there? Here's the good news: Revelation is about you and me and this unsettling moment where we currently find ourselves. It explains some of the forces and events that make this twenty-first-century storm seem so confusing and even frightening. You don't need to be a history scholar, a futurist, or a CIA analyst to decipher the mysterious images of John’s vision from Patmos. This book helps readers carefully navigate and understand the most misunderstood book of the Bible.
STUMBLING TOWARD UTOPIA: How the 1960s Turned Into a National Nightmare and How We Can Revive the American Dream
by Timothy S. Goeglein
In Stumbling Toward Utopia, author Tim Goeglein looks at the philosophies and policies that led to the societal earthquake of the 1960s and how those philosophies and policies have led to the cataclysm America faces today. He offers a blueprint for how we can reject those philosophies and policies by returning to the core values upon which America was built: personal responsibility, respect for life, sexual restraint, and patriotism.
Stand on the Word Journal: Volume 2
by Tony Perkins
Tony Perkins presents the Stand on the Word Journal as a companion to the daily Bible reading plan. The journal is designed to record your daily journey through God’s Word and help you grab a screenshot of what He is saying and doing in your life. As you read God’s Word chronologically, this journal will also help you keep track of where you are in the greater story of Scripture. We provide you with helpful tools to enrich your experience in God’s Word. Find the daily Bible reading and Tony’s daily Stand on the Word video devotional at
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CHLOE: Book One of Chloe’s People
by Cheryl Chumley
Chloe is about a little girl who was raised in a dysfunctional home and went on to live a dysfunctional life—until God, in a wonderful way, saved her from the darkness and brought her into the light. Chloe is the first of a series called Chloe’s People, a reference to 1 Corinthians 11 in the Bible. Beginning with the story of Chloe, each subsequent book in the series tells the tale of God’s work in the lives of those who don’t even yet know Him, and then ties these characters somehow back to Chloe.
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by Brad Newbold
In a society where social credit scores dictate worth; the Newman family faces a waking nightmare when their low score lands them in a sixty-day house arrest. Trapped in their home, they’re bombarded by an AI named Babble, through their government-controlled “smart devices,” indoctrinating them with progressive values. As their resources dwindle, their struggle for survival takes a terrifying turn when they clash with the “Bulls of Bashan,” a group of radicals intent on eliminating those deemed unsafe.
In The Fear Protocol, Brad Newbold crafts a gripping dystopian tale probing the consequences of an ideology equating beliefs with violence. With pulse-pounding suspense and timely social commentary, this novel challenges readers to confront the dangers invading our world, and the erosion of truth in the pursuit of societal acceptance. Prepare for a riveting journey as the Newman family fights for their humanity against forces determined to erase it.
EARL: A Donkey Who Carried a King
by Yaya
Richly colorful and detailed illustrations will draw you into the world of a story-telling donkey. Earl's grand-donkey is on a quest to tell fellow donkeys the stories he has heard his whole life about the choices of a Redeemer. With harassment, fortitude, and sheer donkey-ness, this storyteller finds himself in the middle of making history.
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by Dani Ruth Romero
It’s the day Ruthie has been waiting for all year—her birthday! Little does she know God has planned a birthday that’s out of this world! The Creator of the stars and skies takes Ruthie on an outer space adventure, displaying his magnificent love for her. Ruthie meets friends from different planets who tell her about the goodness of God that comes with being in relationship with Him. Through Ruthie’s cosmic birthday adventure, young readers will be filled with awe and wonder of a God who loves them beyond the galaxies!
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BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS: A Wonderful Word Coloring Book
by Dani Ruth Romero
Borrowing and adapting fifty-plus illustrations from the picture book, The Wonderful Birthday, Dani Romero’s delightfully creative and whimsical art delivers hours of fun to all ages while nourishing souls with God’s precious Word.
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THINK IT OVER: How to Use Critical Thinking to Avoid Falsity and Failure
by Oliver L. North and David L. Goetsch
In the past, one of the most cherished American values was the truth. When people dealt with dilemmas, issues, opinions, and decisions, their first question was “What is the truth in this situation?” Now people are concerned only with what they think, feel, and want. We have lost touch with the importance of truth in our lives. This reality has resulted in a society in abject turmoil and confusion. Perhaps the greatest failure of the American school system is in turning out generations without the ability to carefully think through what they see, read, and hear. This book is the path for our return to truth.
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GOD AND COUNTRY: What the Bible Says About How Christians Should Relate to Government
by Tommy Nelson
Tommy Nelson has established his ministry and expansive influence on American Christianity by his clear and penetrating exposition of unvarnished biblical truth. God and Country is the most comprehensive and understandable explanation of God’s instruction to His people on how to be rightly related to and involved with their national government. Eschewing party politics and lies from every side, Nelson uses the broad narrative from Scripture to reveal God’s will for human government and our responsibility within it and under it.
JOSHUA: Finish Strong
by Tony Perkins
Tony Perkins takes us on a 15-day journey through the Bible’s book of Joshua. His commentary is not technical but focused on life application. Each day’s study includes questions for reflection and a place for notes. The book of Joshua not only recounts how “God’s General” successfully led Israel to take the promised land, but also offers practical insight on how we can be successful in the Christian life, which is centered on obeying God’s word. Joshua provides an enduring and encouraging example of how to finish strong.
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THE INVISIBLE WAR: Tribulation Cult Book 1: A Novel
by Michael Phillips
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Beginning with the emergence of the New Left out of the tumultuous 1960s, the first two installments of Tribulation Cult stretch over three generations, climaxing with the election of 2048. Center stage are four college friends who follow divergent life paths— two Christians who become ministers, their liberal counterparts who rise to the summit of world politics. The journeys of the four focus many interconnected themes in the lives of men and women who must decide where they stand as the nation increasingly splits along liberal and conservative lines, and what role the church is meant to play in that divide. Will true Christians be viewed as a cult, ostracized from mainstream society, culture, and politics?
GOD’S VELVET HAMMER: How an Ordinary Girl Was Called to Do Extraordinary Things
by Sandy Rios
God called Sandy as a completely unremarkable little girl from a small town of 6000 in Southern Illinois. Her father didn’t graduate from the 8th grade and left home at fifteen to work in the CCC Camps to send money home to his struggling family. Sandy’s mother didn’t finish high school, but sang, played basketball, and loved politics. Her parents met at a rodeo and married six weeks later. This is the beginning of Rios’s story about how God uses unlikely people for great things.
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PILLARS FOR FREEDOM: An Exploration of the Pillars of America’s National Power and the Foundations on Which They Rest
by Richard B. Levine
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The maintenance of liberty rests upon our faith, our Founding, our families, and our commitments to uncorrupted education and science. Pillars for Freedom describes in consummate detail the powers America must reconstitute and wield in order that we reclaim our destiny. Our Judeo-Christian heritage must form the center of America’s rebirth. Through marshalling our priceless heritage, we can rebuild our military, secure economic strength, and reassert energy dominance, as we rebuild our civil society. We must renew the American dream and arise as one people. This momentous book marks a turning point. It is a lantern that will lead us forward.
by Tony Perkins
Tony Perkins presents the Stand on the Word Journal as a companion to the daily Bible reading plan. The journal is designed to record your daily journey through God’s Word and help you grab a screenshot of what He is saying and doing in your life. As you read God’s Word chronologically, this journal will also help you keep track of where you are in the greater story of Scripture. We provide you with helpful tools to enrich your experience in God’s Word. Find the daily Bible reading and Tony’s daily Stand on the Word video devotional at
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EPHESIANS: Keep Standing!
by Tony Perkins
Tony Perkins takes us on a 7-day journey through Ephesians. His commentary is not technical but focused on life application. Each day's study includes questions for reflection and a place for notes. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians explores the foundation of the Church on the Gospel of grace as well as the function of the Church in everyday life. He challenges us to put on the whole armor of God and take our stand in the evil day, and to keep standing! Find Tony's daily Stand on the Word video devotional at
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THE ANOINTED ONE: The Complete Life Story of Jesus Christ
by Rod Laughlin and Susan Tough
Discover everything ever written about Jesus by those who knew him in this easy-to-read story. This extraordinary book brings you the amazing but true record of the man who changed the world, the person about whom millions have strong opinions but little knowledge. From his humble beginnings in Bethlehem to his time-transcending teachings, this comprehensive account brings together the fragments of his life and presents them in an engaging, accessible manner.
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INSIGHT: Rendezvous with God, Volume Four
by Bill Myers
Just as our hapless hero finally gets used to Jesus’s many surprise visits, the stakes are raised even higher when his ex-wife begs to move into his house with her latest boyfriend. Then, of course, there are the other women in his life - an uber-religious conservative and a jaded ex-Christian. All this as, barely knowing the Bible himself, he is roped into teaching a Bible study to rival gang members at the local prison. And yet, somehow, amidst the drama, comedy, and surprising turn of events, he stumbles into the maturity God has always hoped for him.
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by Winston Brady
The Inferno begins the moment the narrator Evan Esco commits suicide: his life has become empty after years of drinking that, combined with the grief over the death of his younger sister, push him over the edge. Evan has nothing to live for and hopes he would disappear. Even his name comes from the Latin verb “evanesco”, meaning “I disappear.” Evan fakes a car accident, hoping his soul might be bundled into the void and cease to be. Before the accident, knowing the gravity of his sins, unable to dismiss the possibility God exists, Evan tries to repent.
ENDANGERED VIRTUES AND THE COMING IDEOLOGICAL WAR: A Challenge for Americans to Reclaim the Historic Virtues of the Nation’s Christian Roots
by Michael Phillips
Bestselling Christian author Michael Phillips believes the United States is on a collision course toward a new civil war. But a different kind of war. An ideological civil war, growing out of the erosion of virtues that have been the strength of the nation's relational, spiritual, and ethical fabric for over two hundred years. When this war breaks out, it will cause more chaos and division even than that caused by the political strife of the past two decades. Institutions, families, and churches will be split in ways we cannot yet envision. Dramatic change is coming to America, and soon. Now is the time to prepare for it in our personal lives, families, and churches.
by Congressman Rick Crawford
Most everyone is familiar with the story of Charlie Wilson’s War, immortalized on the big screen by actor Tom Hanks in the title role. What most people aren’t familiar with are the countless stories of the boots on the ground who helped the determined Congressman Charlie Wilson execute his mission to help free the people of Afghanistan from Soviet occupation. The Stinger Proxy is a novel based on Congressman Rick Crawford’s personal experience as an Army bomb tech who served in “Charlie Wilson’s War.”
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COMMUNE: Rendezvous with God, Volume Three
by Bill Myers
With the life of his niece's newborn hanging in the balance, our hero, Will Thomas, continues his off-the-record conversations with Yeshua - sometimes visiting him in Bible times, sometimes amidst the baffling events of his own world. One way or another, through trial and error, and always with a touch of humor, Will learns the life-changing truths about prayer. Join Will Thomas as he continues stumbling his way toward holiness and an ever-deepening friendship with God.
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NEHEMIAH: Rebuilding a Nation
by Tony Perkins
A part of the Stand on the Word Study Guide series, Tony Perkins takes us on a 14 Day journey through the book of Nehemiah. His commentary is not technical but focused on life application. Each day's study includes questions for reflection and a place for notes. As a top security official in a foreign government, Nehemiah was an unlikely choice to lead a massive building project back in his homeland. Yet God enabled Nehemiah not only to rebuild a broken wall, but an entire nation. Tony challenges us through the example of Nehemiah to rebuild our broken nation. Find Tony's daily Stand on the Word video devotional at
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A MINUTE FOR CAREGIVERS: When Every Day Feels Like Monday
by Peter Rosenberger
Family caregivers struggle with keeping their heads above water while caring for an impaired loved one. Most caregivers feel their well-being is sacrificed for the well- being of their loved ones. Hanging on until their loved one passes away is simply not acceptable for a caregiver to live a healthy life. Caregivers can live a life of meaning and not just simply survive. A Minute for Caregivers offers families with special needs children, aging parents, wounded warriors, and any other chronic impairment “just in time” practical, emotional, and spiritual help in dealing with the (often) traumatic challenges of caring for an impaired loved one.
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American Gulags: Marxist Tyranny in Higher Education and What to do About It
by Oliver L. North, David L. Goetsch, & Archie P. Jones
America’s system of colleges and universities was once the best in the world. It contributed immeasurably to America’s status as the most powerful, productive, and prosperous nation on the globe. Unfortunately, those days are long gone. Today from kindergarten through the 12th grade in the government school system, teaching reading, writing, and math have been supplanted by Marxist indoctrination. Our colleges and universities have become the final training grounds and launching pads for the next waves of Marxist activists. This book equips every American to turn this travesty around.
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Mindset Choices: With Vision from Scripture
by Linda Weber
Readers will be enabled to analyze their choice of behaviors that bring predictable consequences. They will develop broader realms of understanding and motivation to divert from undesirable negatives to an ability to overcome. Readers will be moved by real life stories pointing to the God factor in their lives. Many scriptures are included to equip readers to discern the master design of our Creator for overcoming the many hardships in life. An easy Bible study method is offered for readers to discover God’s answers about everything. With newly appropriated power from above, new mindsets will produce blessed contentedness.
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Jeremiah-Courage in a Cancel Culture: A Stand on the Word Study Guide
by Tony Perkins
A part of the Stand on the Word Study Guide series, Tony Perkins takes us on a 40 Day Journey through the book of Jeremiah. His commentary is not technical but focused on life application. In fact, each day’s study includes some questions for reflection and a place for notes. The prophet Jeremiah was given a tough assignment, much like believers in America today. He courageously delivered God’s message to a culture trying to cancel him. The author challenges us through God’s word to Jeremiah to stand courageous for God in the face of our cancel culture.
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SWEET LAND OF LIBERTY: Reflections of a Patriot Descended from Slaves
by E.W. Jackson
The majestic words of the Declaration of Independence served as the conscience of our country and the death sentence of slavery. It was the vision of our Founders that everyone in America would have life, liberty, the opportunity to own property, and pursue happiness. However, they also understood it would be up to each individual to seize that opportunity. Prosperity would not be given or guaranteed, but earned, often with great struggle and sacrifice. I trust this book will sound the clarion call for us to come together around that shared legacy and vision of a sweet land of liberty – “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
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DRAWING LINES: Why Conservatives Must Begin to Battle Fiercely In the Arena of Ideas
by Kira Davis
Kira Davis has built a brand on reaching out to the other side, on giving people space to be wrong, the space to discuss, the space to tolerate. Unfortunately, the people controlling the public conversations right now will have none of it. We’re seeing the lenghts they will go to and the lies they let stand in service of crushing 50 percent of this nation. They seek unity through complete elimination of the other side. There are times for compromise and times to draw a line in the sand, the latter has arrived. It is time to draw our lines as Christians and Conservatives.
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TOWARD A MORE PERFECT UNION: The Moral and Cultural Case for Teaching the Great American Story
by Timothy S. Goeglein
It has sadly become evident that over the past seventy years, Americans have become increasingly ignorant of our nation’s founding principles. Civic education and American history have either not been taught or have been deliberately mistaught throughout our nation’s public-and in numerous cases-, even our private-education system. This lack of education or misinformation has placed our nation in great peril, and we are seeing the consequences unfold daily in our corporate boardrooms, halls of power, and streets. This book is the prescription for returning our nation to a healthy culture for all.
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BE BOLD: How a Marine Hero Broke the Glass Ceiling for Women at War
by Tom Sileo
Major Megan McClung is the first female United States Naval Academy graduate to be killed in action since the school’s 1845 founding and the highest-ranking female U.S. Marine Corps officer to die during the Iraq war. Be Bold is Megan’s inspirational story of defying steep odds, making the ultimate sacrifice and paving the way for a new era of women at war.
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A Bellwether Christmas: a Novel
by Laurel Guillen
Christmas 2023 marks the 800th anniversary of the first live nativity scene presented by St. Francis of Assisi.
This warm, delightful tale of the first nativity scene and the meaning of Christmas is written from the perspective of a 13th-century lamb named Bart. This juvenile fiction won first place for the children's 8-12 category from the 2023 Christian Indie Awards. A Bellwether Christmas was also a Reader's Choice Book and Best Book Awards finalist in 2022. This novel inspired by true events can be enjoyed by children and adults alike.
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From Bluegrass to Blue Water: Lessons in Farm Philosophy and Navy Leadership
by John Palmer, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, Retired
The philosophy found in this work is the product of a childhood on a tobacco and cattle farm in central Kentucky, education at various schools and a three-decade career in the U.S. Navy while simultaneously contributing as a husband, father, and grandfather. This book will be separated into phases reflective of the major changes in my life: the farm, schooling, and a navy career. The lessons learned in earlier phases were often exported and applied later. The ever-increasing levels of responsibility served to teach new lessons. There are occasional farm yarns, school tales, and sea stories added to illustrate practical application of the farm philosophy, education, and navy leadership lessons I learned along the way.
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America’s Endgame For the 21st Century: A Blueprint for Saving Our Country
by LTG Thomas McInerney, USAF (Ret.); MG Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret.); & David L. Goetsch
America’s long-standing principles and traditional values are under attack by leftist ideologues who reject them outright and are working hard to replace them. We are fast becoming a nation of socialists, secular humanists, atheists, agnostics, and anarchists who want to tear down every virtue enshrined by our Founding Fathers. They want to replace limited government and self-government with big government, an over-reaching monstrosity controlling every aspect of daily American life. America’s Endgame shows us how to counter every element of this domestic attack and return to our First Principles.
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Strong and Courageous: A Call to Biblical Manhood
by Lt.Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin & Dr. Kenyn Cureton
Strong and Courageous is a sequel to Boykin’s book Man to Man, and the book explores further the five principles of biblical manhood (Man as Provider, Instructor, Battle Buddy, Defender, and Chaplain). With over thirty-six years’ experience in the Army, an original member of Delta Force, and the Commander of Army Special Forces, General Boykin knows a great deal about manhood. Based on the biblical book of Joshua, General Boykin’s favorite Bible character, the book counters the culture’s labeling of manhood and masculinity as toxic and offers a way forward for men.
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Making a Magnificent You: And the Role of Fruits and Vegetables
by Martin Katz, M.D.
Dr. Katz is determined to help change the current (un)healthy paradigm. Using colorful and fun art with interactive text, Making a Magnificent You helps parents teach their kids about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables that will make them as healthy, strong, and disease immune as they can be. Using a game with vowels and including playful information, the time parents spend with their children reading this book will be rich and helpful.
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