Meet the Author

David Goetsch

Dr. David Goetsch, a valued author and writer of many Fidelis Publishing titles, went home to be with Jesus on May 2, 2024. His life of service included time in the United States Marine Corp, years of teaching and administrating at Northwest Florida State College, church leadership, and authoring more than 70 books. Dr. Goetsch's wisdom, friendship, and collaboration will be greatly missed by the Fidelis Publishing team. 

Dr. Goetsch’s many titles include several best sellers. Six of his books have been translated into foreign languages including Indonesian, Korean, Malaysian, Spanish, Hindi, and Turkish. He is a long-time college professor with dual credentials in business and political science/history. He is also a nationally recognized speaker on the subject of leadership.

Think it Over: How to Use Critical Thinking to Avoid Falsity and Failure

by Oliver L. North and David L. Goetsch

In the past, one of the most cherished American values was the truth. When people dealt with dilemmas, issues, opinions, and decisions, their first question was “What is the truth in this situation?” Now people are concerned only with what they think, feel, and want. We have lost touch with the importance of truth in our lives. This reality has resulted in a society in abject turmoil and confusion. Perhaps the greatest failure of the American school system is in turning out generations without the ability to carefully think through what they see, read, and hear. This book is the path for our return to truth.

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American Gulags: Marxist Tyranny in Higher Education and What to do About It

by Oliver L. North, David L. Goetsch, & Archie P. Jones

America’s system of colleges and universities was once the best in the world. It contributed immeasurably to America’s status as the most powerful, productive, and prosperous nation on the globe. Unfortunately, those days are long gone. Today from kindergarten through the 12th grade in the government school system, teaching reading, writing, and math have been supplanted by Marxist indoctrination. Our colleges and universities have become the final training grounds and launching pads for the next waves of Marxist activists. This book equips every American to turn this travesty around.

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America’s Endgame For the 21st Century: A Blueprint for Saving Our Country

by LTG Thomas McInerney, USAF (Ret.); MG Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret.); & David L. Goetsch

America’s long-standing principles and traditional values are under attack by leftist ideologues who reject them outright and are working hard to replace them. We are fast becoming a nation of socialists, secular humanists, atheists, agnostics, and anarchists who want to tear down every virtue enshrined by our Founding Fathers. They want to replace limited government and self-government with big government, an over-reaching monstrosity controlling every aspect of daily American life. America’s Endgame shows us how to counter every element of this domestic attack and return to our First Principles.

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Tragic Consequences: The Price America is Paying for Rejecting God and How to Reclaim Our Culture for Christ

by Oliver L. North and David L. Goetsch

Tragic Consequences was written for Americans who are concerned about the cultural decline they see all around them, people who watch the nightly news and ask themselves, “What is happening to our country?” It seems we have become a nation of people who are offended by everything but sin. What is happening to our country is simple to explain but sad to observe; we are seeing what a culture of sin can do to a country. It is a culture of darkness and depravity, a culture lacking in moral restraint, and a culture where life has little value. When a nation rejects God and accepts sin, the lurid stories carried on nightly news programs are the inevitable result.

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We Didn’t Fight for Socialism: America’s Veterans Speak Up

by Oliver L. North and David Goetsch

America is at a crossroads. One path leads to a revival of the Founder’s vision for our country, a vision, the other path leads to socialism. The first means freedom and prosperity, the other despotism and corruption. The veterans in this book and thousands of others we have talked to over the years make it clear they didn’t join the military to fight for socialism.

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Tim Goeglein


MG (Ret.) John Gronski